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Blanket Guidelines
Blanket Guidelines


All our blankets must be homemade, washable, free of pins, SMOKE FREE and PET HAIR FREE.


Blankets can be no-sew, quilts, knit or crochet.  Any type of blanket made with love with provide security to children in need.  


Many children are sensitive to fragrances and pet hair. So, if you smoke or have pets in your home, wash your blankets (without scented dryer sheets) upon completion and store them immediately in a plastic bag or other closed container so they don’t pick up scents or fur.


 When making fleece blankets, there are instructions and ideas for many different ways to do a fun fringe for single layer.  Click here for fleece blanket guidelines.


YouTube No-Sew Blanket Fleece Tutorial


*A few vital notes on fleece blankets:


  • Single layer blankets only, please! It’s just not cold enough here in Texas for double-layer fleece.

  • Cut the corners so the blanket will lay flat.

  • Cut off the selvedges (manufacturers' printed edges) from the fleece. 

  • Fleece Blanket Guidelines


When knitting or crocheting afghans, please cut off or weave in all the end pieces of the yarn. Don't leave them sticking out for a child to pull on and unravel. It makes a much neater-looking blanket. Also, if you are using a heavy yarn, make a smaller blanket and not a large one. The large blankets can end up weighing over five pounds and that’s too heavy for the child. Please do not use eyelash yarn either as it can be a problem for sensitive noses, too.


Please watch your proportions when making blankets. We donate no blanket smaller than 36” wide.

The recommended (but not required) blanket sizes are as follows:




  •   Medium   45” × 54”

  •   Large        54” × 72” or larger


Large Blankets are always needed. Since these usually go to older kids, please choose age-appropriate prints and colors. 


If machine-sewing on the Project Linus labels (this is usually done at volunteer meetings and not required for donations), when possible, use a zig-zag stitch. Zig-zag stitching holds the edges down more effectively. Ribbon label edges can cause 'paper cuts' so sewing the labels' edges down prevents this. If you are putting a label on a quilt or blanket that has an obvious front and back, please sew the label on the back so you don’t detract from the design on the front.

Blanket Ideas & Patterns
Blanket Ideas & Patterns
Make 45x54" Only
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